
Cliche Present : Jupiter LIVE! In Taipei 木星樂團亞洲巡迴 台北站


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法國音樂與時裝品牌Kitsune首腦 Gildas Loaec 背書認證。
*Dimitri From Paris *BRAIN雜誌*VICE雜誌滿分推薦。
Two Door Cinema * Metronomy 眼中最具獨特氣質的巴黎復古精品。

2012 木星樂隊亞洲巡迴台北站 @ THE WALL 這牆藝文空間

*Support DJs:

VISA / Disk0Kidz / Spykee
Bunjibeat / J.F.Amadei

*關於 Jupiter 木星樂團


JUPITER是由巴黎發跡的英、法雙人團體。主唱愛默莉Amélie與樂手查理斯Quarles在倫敦夜店的舞池裡認識彼此即一見如故並開始了彼此的合作。兩人熱愛disco、electronic funk等音樂型態並在Sly & Robbie, Beach House, Alan Parsons Project, Siriusmo 與 the Beastie Boys的音樂元素的薰陶影響下發展出屬於木星樂團風格的音樂。

09年他們推出首張EP Starlighter以復古的樂器伴奏與別緻的詞曲創作在許多音樂BLOG與媒體中引起了討論。 2010年Metronomy、Anoraak 與 Two Door Cinema Club等樂團也開始邀請Jupiter製作了數首單曲。同時,他們也翻唱了1982年發行的”Mama Used To Say” 一推出即受到原主唱Junior的大力推崇,更加引起許多唱片界的注意,成為法國時尚名廠Kitsune首腦Gildas Loaec與國際塗鴉大師Andre Saraiva的品牌新寵兒,並發行了另外一張單曲 ”清酒” (Sake),呈現最具巴黎風味的流行質感,隨即登上2011年法國電子音樂排行榜的寶座。MV在日本曝光之後也造成極大話題!

在歌迷的期盼之下,木星樂團終於在2012年的六月要推出首張專輯Juicy Lucy。這張專輯裡的11首歌曲,各自呈現木星樂團的一貫風格之外,歌迷更能在每首渾厚的貝斯與清柔的嗓音與旋律中,發現Boogie Funk, Italo, Neo Disco, Arena Rock,Psyche Pop 與 Dub & Reggae等音樂風格的融合,超越了以往發行的單曲表現出更大的格局與包容性。主唱愛默莉獨特嘹亮的聲線在新專輯中讓歌迷一次擁有,樂手查理斯也在首張的專輯中獻出從未在歌迷面前展現的嗓音魅力。JUPITER的魅力持續加溫,現在不僅在巴黎、倫敦、紐約等都會掀起一股復古樂風,同時吹向世界各地,在各地表演。本次在東京、上海、香港與台北進行的亞洲巡迴演出,台灣更是難得的由4人編制完整樂團的lIVE演出,歌迷可以從他們的音樂中可以感受到純粹最真切的情感。千萬別錯過。

Jupiter is a French-English duo based in Paris, but they first met one night in London. An empty dancefloor, a one hit wonder (1982 funk classic Mama Used To Say), a band was born. Amélie and Quarles’ work relies on a common passion for a time when glitter and carelessness were kings. The impact of disco and electro-funk on their music is a clear one, yet the band happily quotes a wider range of influences, such as Sly & Robbie, Beach House, Alan Parsons Project, Siriusmo or even the Beastie Boys.

Their first single, Starlighter, caused quite a stir on the blogosphere when it came out in 2009. As a true underground anthem, it encompassed the fullness of the band: a rich blend of songwriting chic and dancefloor hedonism. Their remixes for Metronomy, Anoraak or Two Door Cinema Club all carried that same signature style. In the meantime, Jupiter dropped a cover of the song that started it all, Mama Used To Say, which got praised by its original author. This handful of tracks drove them to appear on compilations by Ministry Of Sound, Valérie and eventually Kitsuné.

The Parisian label moved on to release their two following singles: the one and only Saké, which topped electro charts for weeks in spring 2011, and a couple of months later Kass Limon, an electronic take on a forgotten tropical disco tune by Kassav’. On stage, the duo turns into a love triangle involving a third musician.

Juicy Lucy, Jupiter’s debut album, compresses their sound into 11 tracks: heavy beats, light vocals, sober yet chiseled production, sharp songwriting and melodic generosity. The record seamlessly bridges the gap between many genres: boogie funk, italo, neo disco, arena rock, psyche pop with a hint of dub & reggae. A strong feeling of controlled carelessness runs through the album, carried by Amélie’s high pitched vocals. As a matter of fact, one could easily picture the singer working with more mainstream artists, as she seems to have found an unstoppable formula for melodic hooks. While Quarles takes over the microphone on two songs, his personal style is more reminiscent of that of Belgian band Telex’s vocalist, Michael Moers.

Their music is all about noble textures, cohesive soundscapes and a definite sense of enlightened melodies. Despite echoing past references, Juicy Lucy steers clear from the retro obsession typical of much of today’s music. It’s rather a modernist project, looking far ahead and beyond, and above all a successful attempt at putting songwriting back into a musical landscape spoiled by an overdose of gimmicks. It’s an easygoing trip of eleven songs, eleven potential hits travelling through time and style while reminding us that a bright future still lays ahead for pop music, be it electronic or not.

*購票資訊Ticket Info:

10天限時EARLY BIRD早鳥優惠: 600 NT.

華娛網路預售票 ON LINE PRE-TICKET: 800 NT.

*當日現場票 AT DOOR: 1000NT.

05/09~05/18期間 600NT限時早鳥優惠票請洽下列特約門市 。
05/19~06/13期間 800NT限量預售票可洽華娛售票網站與IBON購買。



10690 台北市大安區敦化南路一段187巷15號A1
A1, No.15, Ln 187,Sec 1, Dunhua S Rd., Taipei City 10690
TEL: 02 2711 5539

10690 台北市敦化南路1段177巷 17號
No.17,Ln 177,Sec 1, Dunhua S Rd., Taipei City 10690
TEL: 02 8771 8170

B1-1 No. 109 KunMing St. Taipei City 10845

4F-3 No. 122, Sec 4 Chuang-Hsiao East Rd, Taipei City 106
TEL: 02 8771 5688

Species Records 有種唱片行
2F., No.20, Lane 96, Kunming St., Wanhua District, Taipei 108


Cliché Records / Cloud 雲端派對 / Ultra Dance Society





法國在台協會 / Do How Design / Inno Vation / A.D.V. / Dance Rock Taipei / Screaming / NEU! / Deeplay / The Wall / M@M Boutique / Boom Boom Kidz / 映象唱片 / 伯樂流行網 / 素人報 / Agnst Aisa / E for Electro
